
March 2009

Last week I had another one of those MRIs that snuck up on me with my doctor in Minneapolis. I’ve been so busy with work that I haven’t spent much time really even thinking about anything else. So when I got the call the night before to pre-register for the appointments it took me slightly [...]


Two Years Ago

Just wanted to wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day. It’s not a holiday I’ve celebrated much in it’s typical style, but for two years I’ve celebrated as the anniversary of my surgery. And about this time two years ago, I was getting back to my hospital room with my family after my successful surgery. [...]


Happy New Year! (A Little Late)

I can’t believe it’s already mid-January. For as miserable as our winter has been, I’m grateful that time is at least not standing still. I’m also VERY thankful for the last few weeks of fun over the holidays! It all started with our family getting together in San Francisco. It’s my favorite city, and I [...]


The Latest

Hello everyone! Thought I’d update the site with some recent medical stuff to get you in the loop. I had been doing pretty well lately, with only occasional seizures which were very minor, along with some migraines. In the last couple of weeks I started having an increased frequency of what are generally very quick [...]


Back From Houston

After a tough week saying goodbye to Grannie, I came back to two days of work before it was time to head to Houston for my semi-annual checkup. After a LONG day of flying (we were diverted to Baton Rouge for several hours due to storms in Houston), I got in Wednesday night and had [...]