Comments on: SURGERY UPDATE, VOL 2 Casey Quinn's story about surviving cancer Sat, 16 Apr 2011 17:13:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: "Brook" "Brook" Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-66 "Big Breathe. The Fruit Loops look more like Life Savers to me." “Big Breathe.
The Fruit Loops look more like Life Savers to me.”

By: "Anonymous" "Anonymous" Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-67 "This has been like the longest day of my life - glad all sounds good – jan" “This has been like the longest day of my life – glad all sounds good – jan”

By: "Sarah" "Sarah" Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-68 "In grand San Francisco tradition, I'm sending all the positive hippy-vibes I can muster! My window at work faces southeast and I've been gazing out it all day thinking of you all... Thanks so much for the play-by-play, Aaron! Love, -S." “In grand San Francisco tradition, I’m sending all the positive hippy-vibes I can muster! My window at work faces southeast and I’ve been gazing out it all day thinking of you all…

Thanks so much for the play-by-play, Aaron!


By: "Laura B." "Laura B." Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-69 "It's only February Casey, but I've got my ‘leprachan binoculars' out in honor of you!! All day I've been praying for you and thinking of you all. I can let my breath out finally a bit. Also, Aaron-Thank you again for all the updates and the great descriptions-you're an amazing writer. (p.s.---Casey also in honor of you, Travis has just started scootin' around!!!) Love you so much!!! xxoo ~L" “It’s only February Casey, but I’ve got my ‘leprachan binoculars’ out in honor of you!! All day I’ve been praying for you and thinking of you all. I can let my breath out finally a bit. Also, Aaron-Thank you again for all the updates and the great descriptions-you’re an amazing writer. (p.s.—Casey also in honor of you, Travis has just started scootin’ around!!!) Love you so much!!! xxoo ~L”

By: "Get Hooked on Fishing runner up David" "Get Hooked on Fishing runner up David" Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-70 "Maybe we can re-write the cards with sentences all starting with C words. Casey, Dennis and I can't wait to kick your butt at cards soon. Peace Love, Double D" “Maybe we can re-write the cards with sentences all starting with C words. Casey, Dennis and I can’t wait to kick your butt at cards soon.
Peace Love,
Double D”

By: "Riina" "Riina" Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-71 "Thank you so much for the updates Aaron. It's been lovely to be kept informed at every step along the way. Sending lots of love from England - (I hope the Mary Poppins nurse wasn't too awful)" “Thank you so much for the updates Aaron. It’s been lovely to be kept informed at every step along the way.

Sending lots of love from England – (I hope the Mary Poppins nurse wasn’t too awful)”
